Cooking an editor for Scheme Files with the NetBeans Platform

I have cooked a part of the editor for Scheme Files using the NetBeans Platform. And while doing so I've found some delicious editor libs!

Cooking an editor...

So I have been cooking an editor for Scheme Files using the NetBeans Platform. The editor is not yet fully functional, but while cooking it I have learned a lot about XML layer files, about creating dependencies between modules and about the impressive NetBeans Editor Library.

If you want to cook an editor yourself you can follow the recipe in the kitchen

Major changes include:

  • Addition of some useful NetBeans links that Paul Richardson kindly suggested using the NetBeans' OpenIDE mailing list
  • Some corrections for improving rendering on Internet Explorer (that is unable to properly render transparent PNGs and to properly handle CSS paddings, :-( ) that Jeffrey Olson kindly pointed out.

So thanks Paul and Jeffrey for your feedback!!

What next?

I will be involved in some troubleshooting project during the next weeks, but in my spare time I'll cook some syntax highlighting for Scheme files. I am thinking of doing that using the standalone NetBeans Editor Library (that can be run outside the NetBeans IDE!) and then integrating it in a proper recipe in the kitchen, inside the IDE.

Any suggestions on further ideas for the Scheme IDE are, of course, welcome.

Happy cooking, Antonio

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